Seat Leon >> Preparation work
What you must do before changing a wheel.
– If you have a flat tyre or puncture, park the vehicle as far away
from the flow of traffic as possible. Choose a location that is as
level as possible.
– All passengers should leave the vehicle. They should wait in a
safe area (for instance behind the roadside crash barrier).
– Switch off the engine. Switch on the hazard warning lights.
– Apply the handbrake firmly.
– Engage the first gear, or put the selector lever to position P for
those vehicles with an automatic gearbox.
– If you are towing a trailer, unhitch it from your vehicle.
– Take the vehicle tools and the spare wheel out of the luggage
Put the hazard warning lights on and place the warning triangle in position.
This is for your own safety and also warns other road users.
If you have to change the wheel on a gradient, block the wheel opposite the
wheel being changed by placing a stone or similar object under it to prevent
the vehicle from rolling away.
Please observe legal requirements when doing so.
Wheel change
Changing a wheel
Change the wheel as described below
– Pull off the hub cap. See fig. 154.
– Slacken the wheel bolts
– Raise the car with the jack in the corresponding zone
– Take off the wheel and t ...
See also:
Electronic immobiliser
The immobiliser prevents unauthorised persons from driving
the vehicle.
Inside the key there is a chip that deactivates the electronic immobiliser
when the key is inserted into the ...