Seat Leon >> Coolant Level* / temperature

The warning lamp lights up if the coolant temperature is too high or if the coolant level is too low.

There is a fault if:
• The warning symbol does not go out again after a few seconds.
• The warning lamp lights up or flashes while the vehicle is moving, while three acoustic warning signals emitted. are emitted.

This means that either the coolant level is too low or the coolant temperature is too high.

Coolant temperature too high
The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display9): CHECK COOLANT! INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL. First look at the coolant temperature gauge. The coolant temperature is too high if the needle is over the warning area on the dial. Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine and wait for it to cool down. Check the coolant level.

If the coolant level is correct, the overheating may be caused by a malfunction of the radiator fan. Check the radiator fan fuse and have it replaced if necessary.

If the warning lamp lights up again after driving on for a short distance, stop the vehicle and switch off the engine. Contact an Authorised Service Centre or a qualified workshop.

Coolant level too low The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display10): CHECK COOLANT! INSTRUCTION MANUAL.

First look at the coolant temperature gauge. If the needle is in the normal range, top up with coolant at the earliest opportunity WARNING.


• If your vehicle is immobilised for any technical reasons, move it to a safe distance from traffic. Turn off the engine, turn on the hazard lights and place the warning triangle.
• Never open the bonnet if you can see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compartment. Risk of scalding. Wait until you can no longer see or hear escaping steam or coolant.
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a dangerous area! Before carrying out any work in the engine compartment, switch off the engine and allow it to cool down. Always note the corresponding warnings

Rear fog light This warning lamp lights up when the rear fog light is switched on 􀀊.

This warning lamp lights up when the rear fog light is switched on 􀀊. Further information.

Turn signals The warning lamp flashes when the turn signals are in operation.

The warning lamp flashes when the turn signals are in operation.

Depending on which turn signal is operated, either the left 􀀌 or right 􀀍 indicator lamp flashes. Both warning lamps will flash at the same time when the hazard warning lights are switched on.

If one turn signal fails, the warning lamp will start flashing twice as fast.

Further information on the turn signals.

Trailer turn signals This warning lamp also flashes when the turn signals are

This warning lamp also flashes when the turn signals are operated while towing a caravan or trailer.

The warning lamp the turn signals are operated, provided a flashes when the turn signals are operated, provided a trailer is correctly attached and connected to the vehicle.

The warning lamp will not flash if one of the turn signals on the trailer fails.

Main beam headlights This warning lamp lights up when the main beams are on.

This warning lamp lights up when the main beams are on.

The warning lamp the main beams are on or when the lights up when the main beams are on or when the headlight flasher is operated.

Further information.

Bulb defect The warning lamp lights up when a bulb in the vehicle's exterior

The warning lamp lights up when a bulb in the vehicle's exterior lighting is defective.

The warning lamp a bulb in the vehicle's exterior lighting lights up when a bulb in the vehicle's exterior lighting (e.g. left-hand main beam) is defective.

The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display11): MAIN BEAM LEFT DEFECT.

Cruise control system* The warning lamp comes on when the cruise control system

The warning lamp comes on when the cruise control system is switched on.

The warning lamp the cruise control system is switched on. lights up when the cruise control system is switched on.

Further notes on the cruise control system.

Washer fluid This warning lamp lights up to indicate that the windscreen

This warning lamp lights up to indicate that the windscreen washer level is too low.

This serves as a reminder to fill up the reservoir at the earliest opportunity.

The information text displayed in the instrument panel display is12): REFILL WASHER FLUID

Brake system* / handbrake The warning lamp lights up if the handbrake is applied, if the

The warning lamp lights up if the handbrake is applied, if the brake fluid level falls too low or if there is a fault in the brake system.

This warning lamp if lights up if
• If the handbrake is on
If you drive faster than 6 km/h with the handbrake on, the following message will appear in the combi-instrument display13): HANDBRAKE ON. Also, an audible warning is given.

• If the brake fluid level is too low
The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display13): STOP BRAKE FLUID INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL. • If there is a fault in the brake system
The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display13): BRAKE FAULT INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL. This warning lamp can light up together with the anti-lock brake system warning lamp.


• Before opening the bonnet, read and observe the warnings on  “Working in the engine compartment”.

• If the brake warning lamp does not go out, or if it lights up when driving, the brake fluid level  “Brake fluid” in the reservoir is too low. Risk of accident. Stop the vehicle and do not drive on. Obtain technical assistance.

• If the brake warning lamp up together with the ABS warning lights up together with the ABS warning lamp ABS could be out of action. This could, the control function of the ABS could be out of action. This could cause the rear wheels to lock quickly when you brake. This could cause the rear to break away. Risk of skidding. Drive carefully to the nearest qualified workshop and have the fault corrected.

Engine oil pressure This warning lamp indicates that the engine oil pressure is

This warning lamp indicates that the engine oil pressure is too low.

If this warning symbol starts to flash, and is accompanied by three audible warnings, switch off the engine and check the oil level. If the oil level is too low, add more engine oil.

The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display14): STOP ENGINE OIL PRESSURE INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL. If the symbol flashes although the oil level is correct, do not drive on. The engine must not even run at idle speed. Obtain technical assistance.

Anti-lock brake system (ABS) A warning lamp system monitors the ABS.

A warning lamp system monitors the ABS.

The warning lamp for a few seconds when the ignition is should light up for a few seconds when the ignition is switched on. It goes out again after the system has run through an automatic test sequence.

There is a fault in the ABS if:
• The warning lamp up when the ignition is switched on. does not light up when the ignition is switched on.
• The warning lamp does not go out again after a few seconds.
• The warning lamp lights up when the vehicle is moving.

The vehicle can still be braked in the normal way (except that the ABS control function will not function). Please take the vehicle to a qualified workshop as soon as possible. For further information on the ABS see the 􀂟 page 169.

If a fault occurs in the ABS, the ESP* warning lamp will also light up.

Brake system fault
If the ABS warning lamp together with the brake warning lamp lights up together with the brake warning lamp the ABS function, but also a possible fault, this indicates not only a fault in the ABS function, but also a possible fault in the brake system WARNING.


• Before opening the bonnet, read and observe the warnings on.
• If the brake warning lamp light up together with the ABS should light up together with the ABS warning lamp
vehicle immediately and check the brake fluid, stop the vehicle immediately and check the brake fluid level in the reservoir  “Brake fluid”. If the fluid level has dropped below the “MIN” mark you must not drive on. Risk of accident.

Obtain technical assistance.
• If the brake fluid level is correct, the fault in the brake system may have been caused by a failure of the ABS system. This could cause the rear wheels to lock quickly when you brake. This could cause the rear to break away. Risk of skidding. Drive carefully to the nearest qualified workshop and have the fault corrected.

Differential lock fault (EDL)*

EDL operates along with the ABS in vehicles equipped with an Electronic Stabilisation Program (ESP)*

A malfunction in the EDL is indicated by the ABS warning lamp take the vehicle to a qualified workshop as soon as possible. For further. Please take the vehicle to a qualified workshop as soon as possible. For further information on the EDL.

Traction control system (TCS)*

The traction control system prevents the driven wheels from spinning when the vehicle is accelerating

The warning lamp lights up when the ignition is switched on and should turn off after about 2 seconds.

When the TCS is operating while driving, the warning lamp flashes. If the system is deactivated or if there is any fault in the same, the warning lamp will remain lit.

It will also come on if a fault should occur in the ABS because the TCS operates in conjunction with the ABS. For further information.

Soot accumulation in the diesel engine particulate filter* if the symbol  lights, soot has

if the symbol built up in the diesel engine particulate filter lights, soot has built up in the diesel engine particulate filter due to continuous short trips. In this case, drive the vehicle at a constant speed of at least 60 km/h (with an engine speed of about 1400 rpm) for about 10 minutes. The increase in temperature generated may burn the accumulated soot in the filter.

If the symbol bring the vehicle to a specialized workshop is not deactivated, bring the vehicle to a specialized workshop to repair the fault.

For more information on the diesel particulate filter.


• The diesel engine particulate filter may reach extremely high temperatures; it should not enter into contact with flammable materials underneath the vehicle. Failure to comply could result in fire.

• The diesel engine particulate filter may reach extremely high temperatures; it should not enter into contact with flammable materials underneath the vehicle. Failure to comply could result in fire.

Alternator This warning lamp signals a fault in the alternator.

This warning lamp signals a fault in the alternator.

The warning lamp the ignition is switched on. It should go lights up when the ignition is switched on. It should go out when the engine has started running.

If the warning lamp driving, the alternator is no longer lights up while driving, the alternator is no longer charging the battery. You should immediately drive to the nearest qualified workshop.

You should avoid using electrical equipment that is not absolutely necessary because this will drain the battery.

If the indicator flashes, the voltage is insufficient for normal vehicle operation.

Tyre pressure*

Fig. 47 Centre console:

Fig. 47 Centre console: tyre monitor system button

The tyre monitor indicator compares wheel revolutions and uses this information to compare the diameter of each wheel using the ABS sensors. If the diameter of a wheel changes, the tyre monitor indicator lights 􀁾. The wheel diameter changes when:

• Tyre pressure is insufficient.
• The tyre structure is damaged.
• The vehicle is unbalanced because of a load.
• The wheels of one axle are under more pressure (for example, driving with a trailer or on extreme slopes).
• The vehicle is fitted with snow chains.
• The emergency wheel is fitted.
• The wheel on one axle is changed.

Tyre pressure adjustment
Following the modification to tyre pressure or changing one or more wheels, the button  fig. 47 must be kept pressed while the ignition is on, until an acoustic signal is heard.

If the wheels are under excessive load (for example, driving with a trailer or heavy load), the tyre pressure must be increased to the recommended value for a full load (see the sticker on the inside of the fuel flap). If the tyre monitor system button is pressed the new tyre pressures are confirmed.

The tyre pressure monitor indicator If the tyre pressure of one wheel is much lower than the value set by the driver lights
If the tyre pressure of one wheel is much lower than the value set by the driver then the indicator lights The tyre pressure monitor indicator.

The tyre pressure monitor indicator If the tyre pressure indicator flashes, this indicates a fault. Go to the flashes
If the tyre pressure indicator flashes, this indicates a fault. Go to the nearest specialist workshop.


• When the tyre pressure indicator lights, reduce speed immediately and avoid any sudden manoeuvre or braking. Stop when possible, and check the tyre pressure and status.
• The driver is responsible for correct tyre pressure. For this reason, tyre pressure must be regularly checked.
• Under certain circumstances (for example, in a sports situation, in winter conditions or on a dirt track) the tyre monitor indicator may light or function incorrectly.

If the battery is disconnected, the yellow indicator ignition on. This should turn off after a brief trip. lights after turning the ignition on. This should turn off after a brief trip.

Engine management  This warning lamp monitors the engine management system

This warning lamp monitors the engine management system for petrol engines.

The warning lamp Power Control) lights up when the ignition (Electronic Power Control) lights up when the ignition is switched on to show that the lamp is working properly. It should go out when the engine has started running.

If a fault develops in the electronic engine management system while you are driving, this warning lamp will light up. Take the vehicle to an Authorised Service Centre as soon as possible and have the engine checked.

Glow plug system / Engine fault The warning lamp lights up to show that the glow plugs are

The warning lamp lights up to show that the glow plugs are preheating. It flashes if there is an engine fault.

Warning lamp The warning lamp  lights up while is lit
The warning lamp the glow plugs are preheating. When the lights up while the glow plugs are preheating. When the warning lamp goes off, the engine should be started straight away.

Warning lamp If a fault develops in the engine management system while you are driving, flashes
If a fault develops in the engine management system while you are driving, the glow plug lamp will flash 􀁄. Take the vehicle to an Authorised Service Centre as soon as possible and have the engine checked.

Emission control system* This warning lamp monitors the exhaust system.

This warning lamp monitors the exhaust system.

Warning lamp when there is misfiring that can damage the catalytic converter. Reduce flashes:
when there is misfiring that can damage the catalytic converter. Reduce speed and drive carefully to the nearest qualified workshop to have the engine checked.

The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display15) : EXHAUST FUMES GO TO WORKSHOP!

Warning lamp if a fault has developed during driving which has reduced the quality of the is lit:
if a fault has developed during driving which has reduced the quality of the exhaust gas (e. g. lambda probe fault). Reduce speed and drive carefully to the nearest qualified workshop to have the engine checked.

The following text is displayed in the instrument panel display: EXHAUST FUMES GO TO WORKSHOP!

Electronic stabilisation programme (ESP)* This warning lamp monitors the electronic stabilisation

This warning lamp monitors the electronic stabilisation program.

This program includes the ABS, EDL and TCS.

The warning lamp functions: has the following functions:

• It will light for about 2 seconds when the ignition is switched on while a test of the function is carried out.
• It flashes when the ESP is activated when driving.
• It will light up continuously if there is a malfunction in the ESP.
• It will light up continuously if the ESP is switched off.
• It will also come on if a fault should occur in the ABS because the ESP operates in conjunction with the ABS.

If the ESP warning lamp and stays on after the engine is started, lights up and stays on after the engine is started, this may mean that the control system has temporarily switched off the ESP.

In this case the ESP can be reactivated by switching the ignition off and then on again. If the warning lamp goes out, this means the system is fully functional.

Operating the foot brake The footbrake must be depressed when this warning lamp lights up. This is

The footbrake must be depressed when this warning lamp lights up. This is necessary when the automatic gearbox* selector lever is moved out of the positions P or N

Power steering system* For vehicles with power steering, the level of steering assistance depends on

For vehicles with power steering, the level of steering assistance depends on the vehicle's speed and on the steering angle.

The warning lamp should light up for a few seconds when the ignition is switched on. It should go out when the engine has started running.

If the battery is disconnected, the indicator remains lit, even with the engine running. The warning light only goes off after a distance of approx. 50 m.

There is a fault in the electromechanical steering system if the lamp does not go out or light up, whilst the vehicle is in motion. The indicator may appear in two different colours to indicate faults. If it lights yellow, this indicates a minor fault. If it lights red, seek workshop assistance immediately, if no assistance is available stop driving. Stop the vehicle and seek technical assistance. The power steering does not work if the battery is flat or if the engine is off (for example, for towing). You should take into account that you will need considerably more power than normal to steer the vehicle if the steering assistance is reduced or has failed completely

Brake pad wear indicator* As the brake pad wear indicator only monitors the front brake pads, it is

As the brake pad wear indicator only monitors the front brake pads, it is advisable to have the rear brake pads inspected at the same time.

The information text displayed in the instrument panel display is16): CHECK BRAKE PADS.


Have the brake pads inspected immediately by a qualified dealership if the warning display Indicator for open doors or tailgate lights up.

Indicator for open doors or tailgate This indicator lights if one of the doors or the tailgate is open.

This indicator lights if one of the doors or the tailgate is open.

The warning light when all the doors are closed correctly. should go off when all the doors are closed correctly.

The system also works when the ignition is switched off. It should go off about 15 seconds after the vehicle is locked.

Electronic immobiliser* “Safe”

This warning lamp flashes if an unauthorised key is used.

automatically when the key is inserted into the ignition. The immobiliser will be activated again automatically as soon as you pull the key out of the ignition lock.

The message displayed in the instrument panel display is17): SAFE. The vehicle cannot be used in that case.

The engine can, however, be started if the appropriate coded SEAT genuine key is used.

The vehicle cannot be operated properly if you do not have a genuine SEAT key.

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